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A bracero fixes Toro lettuce boxes by using a machine before they are filled with lettuce in a field in the Salinas Valley, California.
A bracero fills water from a vat into a cup on the edge of a field in California.
A bracero fills the crops out of a can into a bag, which is held by another bracero on the edge of a Californian field.
A bracero fills the crops out of a can into a bag, which is held by another bracero on the edge of a Californian field.
A bracero fills the crops out of a can into a bag, on the edge of a Californian field while others perform stoop labor.
A bracero fills onion in a box in a field in the Salinas Valley, California.
A bracero fills lettuce into a Toro lettuce box in a field in the Salinas Valley, California.
A bracero fills letttuce in a Cookie Head Lettuce box on a trolley on a field in the Salinas Valley, California.
A bracero fills a crop into a bag while sitting on the edge of a field in California.
A bracero family sits in their home in San Mateo, Mexico.
A bracero eats pills while a nurse gives him a glass of water in the clinical practice of Dr. Stanley Savoy in the Salinas Valley, California.
A bracero drives a trolley as another picks up lettuce from the field and fill it into Cookie Head Lettuce boxes on a trolley on a field in the Salinas Valley, California.
A bracero drinks water from a water spicket in a camp in Tracy, California.
A bracero drinks water from a water spicket in a camp in Tracy, California.
Original Caption: "At this central camp for over 800 men near Tracy, Calif these braceros have use this single open pipe for washing their laundry. Many camps do not meet even the minimum health standards set up by the International Agreement.""An…
A bracero dresses after having a shower at a camp in California.
A bracero does laundry outside at a waterspicket as another bracero tries to fill his can with water at a camp in California.
A bracero does laundry outside at a waterspicket as another bracero tries to fill his can with water at a camp in California.
A bracero does laundry outside at a waterspicket as another bracero teases him at a camp in California.
A bracero does laundry outside at a waterspicket as another bracero teases him at a camp in California.
A bracero does laundry at an outside waterspicket while others stand next to him at a camp in California.
A bracero does laundry at an outside waterspicket at a camp in California.
A bracero does his laundry in a bathroom at a Caifornian camp.
A bracero does his laundry in a bathroom at a Caifornian camp.
A bracero does his laundry in a bathroom at a Caifornian camp.
A bracero cuts the hair of another bracero in California.
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