Esther Garnica


Esther Garnica


Biographical Synopsis of Interviewee: Jesús Garnica was born July 4, 1929, in Tasco, Guerrero, México, and Esther Garnica was born on August 23, 1934 in Villa Corona, Jalisco, México; Esther came from a family with eight siblings, while Jesús was the oldest of three; Esther’s father was a bracero; they met in Mexicali while Jesús was a bracero in the Imperial Valley, California; in 1959, they moved to Blythe, California after getting their residency papers; they stayed in the U.S. with their nine children, and Esther became a U.S. citizen in 1990.

Summary of Interview: Mr. and Mrs. Garnica remember their childhood and how they moved to Mexicali; they recall their courtship, wedding, and their life while Jesús worked as a bracero; furthermore, they recount how he was hired as a special contract in Calexico, how he didn’t have to travel to Empalme or go through the fumigation process, and how he worked with the same company; they describe how braceros were fumigated out in the open where everyone could see, and how people laughed because they did not know what was going on; moreover, Jesús relates a time when he was treated badly by a foreman for being a special contract, and how he and other special contract braceros were sent away from the farm; he continues to state that he contacted the Mexican consulate and that at first they did not believe them, but eventually they helped and sent the braceros to a different farm; they express how they moved to Blythe, California after becoming residents, what life was like on the ranches there, how braceros work alongside undocumented workers and Filipinos; to conclude, they state that life in the bracero program was very hard and full of hardships, but that they are glad they were able to better their lives.


Loza, Mireya
Garnica, Esther




Cristóbal Borges


Institute of Oral History, The University of Texas at El Paso




Jesús Garnica

title (Spanish)

Esther Garnica

creator (Spanish)

Loza, Mireya

contributor (Spanish)

Cristóbal A. Borges

Rights Holder

Institute of Oral History, The University of Texas at El Paso

Original Format

Mini disc



Bit Rate/Frequency

24 bit
96 k


Loza, Mireya


Garnica, Esther


Blythe, CA

File Name Identifier



Loza, Mireya and Garnica, Esther, “Esther Garnica,” Bracero History Archive, accessed March 5, 2025,