A young woman works in the small village of San Mateo Atenco, Mexico.
A young woman works in the small village of San Mateo Atenco, Mexico.
Many people learned about the Bracero Program over the radio. A woman works at home surrounded by a radio, icons, furniture, and a painting of the Virgen de Guadalupe in San Mateo, Mexico.
Original Caption: Home of a bracero's familiy in the village of San Mateo, Mexico. Highly religious people, the Mexican household is filled with religious figures and ornaments and symbols. Note the modern radio in the foreground of the picture. (B, #36)
Original Caption: Home of a bracero's familiy in the village of San Mateo, Mexico. Highly religious people, the Mexican household is filled with religious figures and ornaments and symbols. Note the modern radio in the foreground of the picture. (B, #36)
Leonard Nadel
The Leonard Nadel Collection, NMAH. Catalogue #: 2004.0138.08.08; Negative #: NAD-2004.0138.08.08; Roll #: 8
National Museum of American History
National Museum of American History, Division of Work and Industry
Restricted: no; Contact: NMAH Rights & Reproductions by email before distribution - rightsreproductions@si.edu
Prints NAD-2004.0138.57.03/04. See Nadel Captions B, #36. See also Nadel Footnotes, 4.
Spatial Coverage
San Mateo Atenco, Mexico, Mexico
Rights Holder
National Museum of American History
Leonard Nadel, “A young woman works in the small village of San Mateo Atenco, Mexico.,” Bracero History Archive, accessed March 11, 2025, https://braceroarchive.org/items/show/1495.