Braceros walk along railroad tracks near the Monterrey Processing Center, Mexico.
Braceros walk along railroad tracks near the Monterrey Processing Center, Mexico.
On their long dusty trek toward a recruiting center at Monterrey, braceros approach the cross-topped grave of one of their number who died along the way. The white monument marks the site of a meeting of President Roosevelt and Mexico's President Camacho.
Original Caption: "To reach one of the Control Stations where they report for processing as prospective farm laborers, the braceros trudge long, dusty distances with all their belongings on their backs. In the foreground is a rocky grave of some bracero who died along the trek. The marble marker behind it commemorates the meeting of President Franklin D. Roosevelt and President Aleman of Mexico at this point." (#5)
Original Caption: "To reach one of the Control Stations where they report for processing as prospective farm laborers, the braceros trudge long, dusty distances with all their belongings on their backs. In the foreground is a rocky grave of some bracero who died along the trek. The marble marker behind it commemorates the meeting of President Franklin D. Roosevelt and President Aleman of Mexico at this point." (#5)
Leonard Nadel
The Leonard Nadel Collection, NMAH. Catalogue #: 2004.0138.06.15; Negative #: NAD-2004.0138.06.15; Roll #: 6
National Museum of American History
National Museum of American History, Division of Work and Industry
Restricted: no; Contact: NMAH Rights & Reproductions by email before distribution -
See Nadel Footnotes, 3.
Spatial Coverage
Near the Monterrey Processing Center, Nuevo Le�n, Mexico
Rights Holder
National Museum of American History
Leonard Nadel, “Braceros walk along railroad tracks near the Monterrey Processing Center, Mexico.,” Bracero History Archive, accessed March 10, 2025,